Challenge Study

Who can participate?

Every clinical trial has a set of inclusion and exclusion criteria which are used to ensure that participants who enter this study are medically appropriate candidates for this therapy. For the safety of the participants, as well as to ensure that the results of this study can be useful for making treatment decisions regarding other men and women with similar diseases, it is important that no exceptions be made to these criteria for admission to the study.

You may be able to participate in CHALLENGE if:

  • you have high stage II or stage III cancer that was completely removed with surgery
  • you received chemotherapy and completed this chemotherapy 2 - 6 months ago
  • you are medically fit to participate in a physical activity program and fitness testing
  • Your current physical activity levels do not meet the public health guidelines (= 150 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous or = 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity/week).
  • You do not currently have any local, regional or distant metastatic disease.
  • You are not currently receiving additional chemotherapy or radiation

Why should I participate?

As a CHALLENGE participant you will be a partner in medical research. It is only when individuals agree to participate in these research studies that scientists can discover exactly what benefits exist from new interventions. We hope that this trial will demonstrate that receiving these treatments decreases the risk of colon cancer recurrence. If you are in group 1 your fitness level, quality of life and your health may improve if you participate in the physical activity program. Both groups may learn more about nutrition, physical activity and fitness in general. Even if you do not directly benefit, you will be contributing to the knowledge base that will help future generations of men and women worldwide.

What does it mean to participate in a randomized study?

If you decide to participate you will be "randomized" into one of the study groups described. Randomization means that you are put into a group by chance. It is like flipping a coin. Neither you nor your doctor can choose what group you will be in. You will have a one in two chance of being placed in either group.